Friday, 28 November 2014

Czech Republic

Slanted view...

After an early morning downpour, the slanted rooftops were glistening with water or marked by trails of the downward sliding raindrops. Even antennas held on to those little pearls of water.

Český Krumlov, Czech Republic (17 October 2009)

Old medieval town of Český Krumlov, Czech Republic in the early morning before the tourist crowd arrived! (18 October 2009)

These random "sun-kissed" Neo-Renaissance buildings along the Vltava River were practically screaming at me for a photo! And I obliged. =D

It is funny sometimes, like this photo, I did not set out to snap them cos I was not aware of their existence until I was there. But ended up they held a higher attraction for me than the key tourist attractions I purposefully set out to snap.

Prague, Czech Republic (18 October 2009)

It takes 2 to tango! =)

A case of art imitating life... Dancing House In Prague, Czech Republic (18 October 2009)

A postcard from Prague, Czech Republic (19 October 2009)

The Dominating Lady!

Rising high above the Old Town Square is the Church of Our Lady before Týn (Kostel Panny Marie před Týnem). It is especially outstanding during the nighttime, with the lights illuminating this building.

Prague, Czech Republic (19 October 2009)

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